Do you want to feel God's love in a new way?
Do you want to hear God more clearly?
Are you confused about what God is asking of you?
Are you stuck and unable to move ahead in your life?
Are there sins, wounds, or pain you just can't seem to move past?
Do you feel lonely, unloved, and unwanted?
Are you anxious, depressed, or angry?
You are not alone! I have helped hundreds of priests, religious, and lay men and women just like you who were experiencing these very same things. God is real and wants to act in your life. He wants an intimate relationship with you. He wants you to be able to have an experiential relationship with him that fills your whole life with peace and joy. He wants you to fall in love with him because he is in love with you. Fr Pedro Arrupe said "What you are in love with will determine your whole life." If you are a priest, religious, or a lay person, I am here to help you let God's love define your life and find the peace, freedom, and joy that comes from intimacy with Jesus. I have been ardently walking with God through the pains, trauma, ups, and downs of life for the last thirteen years guiding others along the way. I am honored to walk this path with you. I look forward to you getting in touch below.
“Nothing is more practical than finding God,
That is, than falling in a love in a quite absolute, final way.
What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything.
It will decide what will get you out of bed in the mornings,
What you will do with your evenings,
How you spend your weekends,
What you read,
Who you know,
What breaks your heart,
And what amazes you with joy and gratitude.
Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything.”
― Pedro Arrupe
We are made for relationship. All peace, joy, and happiness is had in relationship with God and others. I don't believe in the concept of "balance." This is a modern way to exert control over our lives. The Gospel calls us to a radical giving over of our lives-to relinquish control and surrender our lives to such a degree that we willingly suffer for all that is true, good, and beautiful. This requires a singleminded focus on Jesus. Everything we do is supposed to be through Him, with Him, and in Him. This is how the saints live. When He becomes our singleminded focus, grace moves powerfully through our lives transforming all that we encounter. I offer spiritual direction, inner healing, and deliverance ministry to bring about this total surrender of your life to our Lord.
Deepen in Intimacy with God
"We pray as we live, because we live as we pray. If we do not want to act habitually according to the Spirit of Christ, neither can we pray habitually in his name." ~CCC 2725
I offer contemplative spiritual direction to priests, religious, and laity. Contemplative spiritual direction is a prayerful conversation where we discover how God is pouring grace into your life so you can better receive and respond to this gift. As you receive God's love, you will desire to love Him in return by habitually acting "according to the Spirit." This is how faith, hope, and love grow in the soul-with the end result of peace.
Experience God's Healing Love
Does your heart hurt? Have you been abandoned, abused, addicted, or rejected? Do you feel anxious, lonely, sad, unloved, or unwanted? If so, inner healing prayer is for you. Jesus, the Divine Physician, wants to encounter you precisely in this place of pain and heal your wounds. I will help you open the pain to Him and receive His healing love so you can live a happy, joyous, and free life.

Freedom from the Influence of Evil Spirits
Evil spirits are real and an ordinary part of Christian life. Many people are caught in sin and patterns of thinking and behaving that are keeping them from an abundant life in Christ. Some simply need spiritual direction and/or coaching to move ahead. Others, however, have been seeking support in all the right ways but have not made progress; they may need deliverance.
Intentionally Draw Near to God
I give individually-guided Ignatian retreats in abbreviated formats such as three, five, or eight days, as well as the thirty-day retreat. Any of these retreats I can also give in daily life, per the 19th annotation.
I also give spiritual retreats to parishes, religious communities, apostolates, and other groups on the topics of prayer, discernment, spiritual warfare, healing, and deliverance.

Individual sessions are via video conference with FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, or phone. If you want to meet, send me an email below and we can set a time that works for you. The first session is typically a consultation to see if we fit. After that, sessions are typically for one hour.
I do not have a set fee for my services because I want our relationship to remain free of financial pressure. I do ask lay people to prayerfully consider making a donation, consistent with their means, so I can continue to support my family, and serve those who cannot pay, especially priests. Take some time to ask Jesus if He wants you to financially support this work, or if He simply wants to bless you with my services. If you do that and faithfully follow what comes, He will provide for us both.
We all want priests that truly look like Jesus and lead us to him. Just like so may others, I have been touched deeply by holy priests and hurt by broken ones. They must live in intimacy with Him if they are going to reveal His heart to us.
Help me provide spiritual direction, inner healing, and deliverance ministry to priests free of charge!
The suggested donation is $100 per session. Will you adopt one, two, or even three sessions per month to have healthier, holier priests?

Want to hear more about how God can transform your life? Contact me today to schedule a session.
Lincoln, NE, USA