I am both excited and feel the butterflies as I launch my new website with a clearer mission:
to give spiritual direction, inner healing, and deliverance ministry to priests, religious, and laity.
The last few years have been unclear as God has been healing my heart, teaching me how to minister to others more effectively, and giving me a clearer vision of His will.
When I began my apostolate I knew I was to teach people to pray. That developed into four years and 4000+ hours of spiritual direction, inner healing, and deliverance ministry! It is abundantly clear that God has called and gifted me for this work. I’ve seen God reveal himself, heal hearts, and transform lives.
I desire nothing more than to make this the sole focus of my work. I need your help to make this a reality. There are a couple ways you can help me:
You can share my website and mission on social media and with friends and family. You could share this info with a testimony if I’ve helped you.
You can send me your testimonial of how your time with me has impacted your life.
You can donate to my growing ministry with priests by adopting one, two, or even three priests a month at : https://www.missionsofhope.org/mattsimmons This is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that I partner with to raise funds for this work.
Thank you all who have supported me prayerfully and financially over the years. This work would not be possible without you!